Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Video Production (Part 1)

Occupational Transition...

When we were set the task of producing a short film, the concept of occupational transition was a very appropriate choice for a group. Being all around the same age, occupational transition was something we had all recently experienced and could personally relate to. Each of us had our own account of occupational transitions that we had when moving from a familiar environment into a new one when we decided to pursue our studies in Occupational Therapy. This task offered an opportunity for each of us to share information about ourselves with the rest of the group and actually get to know each other better. For me especially being from another year level, I got some insight in to were these girls were from and what transitions that have made in order to be were they are today. I could then personally relate to them as i shared my account of what i had to leave behind and what changes happened in my life. These discussions of our personal life came about as we were trying to plan our short film and share ideas about how best we could convey Occupational Transition in a short film that would be relevant to other viewers. We put together a story board of how we would sequence the slides so that it was easy for viewers to follow. We initially started off with some pretty big ideas about having back drops and before and after shots and all different kinds of locations. As great as these sounded we had to keep in mind our limited film time, what resources we had and how much time we had to do it. After this reality check we were able to come up with something much more achievable.
Each of us had two pieces of paper, on the first piece of paper we wrote down a few key words that described were we had transitioned from and on the second piece of paper; were we had transitioned to. It was interesting that each of us had very different words on our pieces of paper despite all having the same occupational transition, it identified what each of us valued and perhaps what aspects we found most challenging or significant.
We shot each person holding their before and after pieces of paper. Our concept was fairly simple and we didn't use lots of fancy editing but we achieved what we wanted to.

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